Friday, January 14, 2011

Case Files

To continue: (revised chief complaint)

CC: KR was admitted to PGH for episodes of dyspnea, probably due to PND exacerbated by hypersensitivity and panic attack.

HPI: Five hours PTA, the patient was sitting in IDC (Art of Medicine) class in BSLR-W when she coughed and began to wheeze due to aspiration of mucus from PND. Though she was eventually calmed and escorted out, she still sought consult in FMAB/Ward 10/OPD and desired to be admitted to prevent further episodes during day time.

Course in the wards: the patient had two similar attacks. The next day (one day post-admission) the patient felt well enough to be discharged after being given Seretide, nasal sprays and montelukast, plus salbutamol inhaler as needed. Psychiatric and spirometric evaluation will be continued over the next months.

Well, one of my worst nightmares has been realized: I had an attack in a public place, and I couldn't just have it while block B was present; I had to wait until 1:30 Friday afternoon, the only time slot in the entire week when the whole class would be there. Yay me. I suppose it's an exercise in humility; the mortification (of feeling like some attention-seeking damsel in distress) is unspeakable.

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