Sunday, May 30, 2010

Fr. Ernie leaves the parish.

The parish priest leaves today. He has been here ten years and it seems that the entire parish is sad to see him go. I don't particularly share in their sadness--for in the priest I always detected some sort of bias against myself and those like me; he has steadily refused to ever allow a picture of St. Josemaria Escriva to be mounted in the church, saying "he has too few devotees here", while St. Peregrine and a lot of other great saints who didn't enjoy a very distinct following here were allowed spots.

This I add to this uneasiness I feel that while there have been many developments in the parish for the last ten years--new buildings and youth centers, and so forth--I don't think that there was every any love of doctrine or a genuine Eucharistic devotion fostered here. I don't intend to speak badly of the priest--only to say that I'm curious about the changes, and I'm optimisically hoping for a lot of them.

Still, I'm sorry to see him go if only for my mother, because she has worked under him for a few years now and is genuinely attached to him. She seems to think of him as one of her few confidants. I'll keep praying for him.

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